June 29, 2011


The drill is topped off with dry fertilizer before heading out to the next field.
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June 27, 2011

June 26, 2011

Checking out the lake

Today we took a little road trip to check out the spillway that was opened up at the Garrison Dam.  It was pretty amazing to see what 150,000 cfs looks like being released from the dam.  The kids were amazed at all the water too!!  They called it a big bathtub.  They don’t realize all the damage that is being done downstream to all the homes and land.  
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June 20, 2011

Is it raining over there?

With all the rain that we have been having here is a typical conversation that can be heard over our 2-way radios.
Dad: “The clouds are starting to look dark to the south west.”
Bucky: “Yeah, I just ran into some light showers over here.”
Mom: “No rain here yet.  I think it is going to miss us.”
Brian: “Just a few sprinkles here too.”
Dad: “I think I am going to get hit hard soon.”
Me..stopping in the yard to check the radar: “Dad, there is a huge storm coming your way.  It just keeps building. And it looks like it will hit us all”
Calvin: “It’s dry over here.”
Dad: “I’m done. It is pouring”
Mom: “Still going over here.”

An hour later…..everyone is in the shop….talking about how hard it is raining again.  This conversation was repeated many times with many different versions.

June 15, 2011

My Garden

I have been trying to get my garden planted for the past 5 weeks.  But it has been raining and raining and raining.  When it is not raining we are mowing.  When the ground is dry enough to work in then we are in the field trying to get the crops in.  So my garden has been waiting.  Today we were determined to get the rest of it planted.  It has been two days since a hard rainfall…..oh wait…..I think it rained again in the middle of the night.  I can’t keep track anymore!!
Back to the garden.  About five weeks ago I planted the potatoes, lettuce, radishes, and peas. Then the garden took a hard hit from about 20 cows and never really recovered.  Last week we tilled it again and I finally planted the tomatoes, peppers and onions that have been sitting by the house.  Then it started raining again.  We had about 2 inches in like an hour and rain showers on/off all week.  I think everything is still in the ground.  Today we tried tilling again.  My mom got the tractor stuck!!  Bucky insisted on getting a picture of this so there would be proof that he was not the only one who got stuck this spring….He has gotten stuck three times.
So…..the garden is still not planted…..
IMG_1959 The 4-wheeler didn’t budge the tractor so we had to bring in the pickup.

June 14, 2011

Gone fishing

The kids got to go on their first fishing trip.  They LOVED it!


June 6, 2011


The sprayer goes over all the fields before seeding is done.  A variety of chemicals are used depending on the weeds and crops that being seeded.  I honestly don’t know much more about this.  I tend to get lost in the conversations over the 2-way when it comes to how many ounces or quarts or gallons of chemical per tank of water.  And which chemical to use.  If you are going to seed this then you can’t use this chemical and if you do…you need to wait x days.  Then there are the different kinds of nozzles and speeds.  Right now I just pick up all the chemical from the elevator.

June 3, 2011

Back in the field

The fields have dried out some after a very wet May.  Now I am back on duty for hauling anhydrous tanks to the fields.  
It’s always fun to get backed up straight to these hitches.  Some are not as nice as this one.  This one is an extendable hitch so I can move it forward by yanking on handle.  I still have to be backed up fairly straight with the hitch.  I do have a backup camera in the glove box.  I really should get that thing out and see if it helps.  IMG_1077Here are my helpers!!  IMG_1107IMG_1128Filling up at the anhydrous plant.  And letting the kids run off some energy!!IMG_1133IMG_1135

June 2, 2011

Stuck again

I am starting to see a theme here.  Bucky gets stuck again.  This time with the sprayer.  And at least it was not in the creek this time.  
Notice how the ladder is sitting on the ground. 
See how the mud is halfway up on the tire.  downsized_0601011905dA few months ago mom and I had to switch and turn all these nozzles.  We had to stand on top of tall ladders and practically climb like monkeys to get all of them switched out.  Now here we would have been able to do it all standing on the ground…..no ladders.downsized_0601011905

June 1, 2011