July 31, 2011


Getting the combines ready for harvest:

They first get any leftovers (chaff or wheat) blown out.

Then a complete wash down.  The wash takes two people about 6 hours to do.  I was completely soaked from head to toe for 6 hours.  My tall muck boots were dripping wet inside.  IMG_3121

Next they get tuned up and worn parts are replaced.

Then off to the field!!

July 27, 2011


Bouncing around in the tractor on hay fields……..makes Coke go flat very fast….
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The baby chickens are now 2 weeks old.  I think we bought 6 different breeds of chickens….I really need to find the shipping list….
Here is their biggest fan!!IMG_3093

July 25, 2011

New skin

The chicken coop is getting new shingles and siding.   We had to have picked the hottest and most humid days to work on this outdoor project.  Seriously it was 100+ degrees with all humidity.  The sweat just poured off of us.  I don’t think I have ever sweat this much…


Making hay

As the old saying goes….make hay while the sun shines.  There is a lot of racking and baling to be done. 
Here is me racking two windrows into one.
IMG_3017The tractor levers and controls.IMG_3019I am busy trying to stay ahead of the baler.IMG_3022

Stuck AGAIN!!

How many more times will we get stuck this year??  Today we managed to get two pickups stuck…..  One while trying to pull the other one out.

July 18, 2011

Chicken coop

Our chicken coop project has been found!!!  We found this old chicken coop on an abandoned old farm.  It is in considerable good shape considering it has not been used for a very long time.  

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We loaded up the old chicken coop and drove it 14 miles to it’s new home.IMG_2667DSCN4752 Now let the work begin!!

July 17, 2011

Chickens are here

We ordered chickens last week and here they are.  We will be raising these chickens as layers.  So it won’t take long and we will have more eggs than we know what to do with.  

Cool wheels

Here are the new wheels that we use to cruise around the farm.  I have never golfed but driving one of these golf carts wants me to take up golfing just so I can cruise the course.  


July 15, 2011

Wheat field

farmThis picture was taken today of the wheat field that was seeded on 5/9/11.

July 10, 2011


Update on how my garden is doing.
This is the garden that is just behind my house.  I am pleased with how well it is growing considering how late I planted it.   This is one of five garden spots that we planted through out the farm.  I will post pictures of the other ones soon.
Two full rows of tomatoes.  I think there are around 60 plants here.  These plants looked fairly sick when I first planted them.  There are only two of them that did not grow well.  The three small ones on the first picture are the cherry tomatoes and seem to be somewhat stunted.
IMG_3715IMG_3716Four patches of green beans.IMG_3717Here are the beets.  This is the first year that I have ever gotten beets to grow.  The last three years the rabbits beat me to them once they came up.IMG_3718

July 3, 2011


Here is a recap of the farm spring seeding “season”.  It rained…..alot….and every 4 days.  We finally threw in the towel because some of the fields were just too wet to even drive a pickup in.  Driving the country road we see many fields that will sit empty this year because of all the moisture. 
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