August 30, 2011


The sunflowers are looking good.  Standing tall and the heads are getting big.  It is crazy how they all know to face east. 




  1. Those are gorgeous! I'm so happy I found you on MBC. I think I have a heart for farming. We live in a small town which is very rural and surrounded by farms (in the Midwest.)

    I laugh because my youngest of three children wants us to live on a farm so she can have lots of animals, but we know nothing about farming!

    My husband is a high school teacher and I'm a SAHM with jack of trade tendencies (I work outside the home doing multiple jobs to help supplement the income!)

    Anyway, very happy to be your first follower as well, have a great week!! :)

  2. I LOVE Sunflowers! We have grown them in our backyard a few times.
    I would love to have my own small farm.

    I am your newest follower and would love for you to check out my blog

  3. This is an amazing picture. I am always fascinated by farms and farming communities. I grew up in the concrete jungle {city girl} so I have never ever been on a farm. I would love to travel through our great country one day to check out all the beautiful splendor that is out there. I found your blog on the MBC. would love it if you could check out my site.

  4. Great pictures :) I am a new follower from MBC

  5. What beautiful pictures. Never thought about sunflowers always facing the same direction!

    New follower from MBC. Would love for you to stop by and follow me back at Tips for Saving

    Thanks and Keep in Touch!

  6. Those sunflowers are amazing. I found you on MBC I have been poking around your blog your chicken coop is so nice. We have a small chicken tractor with 3 chickens in it and our brooder has 9 more. So we are going to have to build something bigger. You have a lovely blog. I'm following now. Hope you'll pop by and follow along too!

  7. Wow, the sunflowers look gorgeous! I'm a new follower from MBC!
